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We provide accommodation services to care leavers who are aged 16 to 25 years young people in education . We have appropriately well-maintained accommodations, designed to meet young people’s housing needs as they navigate their way into becoming young adults. Our support services are tailored to supporting young people reach and attain their potentials. We engage young people 16 to 25 years in a personalized key working sessions covering key areas like; health and development, education, training, employment, emotional/behavioural challenges, tenancy management and practical skills necessary for independent living etc. While ensuring that the 18 plus is supported to maintain the skills they acquired when they were younger.

Our accommodation services are divided based on their age range: 16 to 18 years and 18 to 25 years.

 16-18 Years Young People

Our primary focus for young people within this age group includes the following:

  • Training on budgeting Skills

  • Training on daily living skills and how to cook under limited budgets

  • In-House Anger Management program

  • In-House Domestic Abuse Services for Perpetrators (Male and Female)

  • In-House Domestic Abuse Services for Victims (Male and Female)

  • Support with Career Development and Skills Development

  • Training on managing tenancies

  • Drug and alcohol awareness

  • Support with CV writing and Interview techniques and accessing education

  • Supporting 18 plus to move into independent living within our properties that are for  independent living.

  • Support to young people at risk of sexual exploitation

  • Training on confidence building and self esteem

  • Support and training on mental health issues

  • Support engaging with health and education

  • Weekly report to social workers on young person’s progress

  • Support with attending PEP, Health Assessment and LAC Review Meetings

 18- 25 Years Young People In Education

While efforts are made to support young people maintain the skills they acquired when they were younger however more emphasis is placed on the following:

  • Benefit applications and training

  • Maintaining tenancy

  • One on One and group training on Drug and Alcohol

  • Support with CV writing and Interview techniques Training

  • Support with securing employment

  • Supporting young parents (male or Female) with parenting skills.

 Unaccompanied Asylum seeking children (UASC)

We support young people seeking asylum who are considered to be children under 18 years. This is a specialist service as we have well trained social workers and key workers who understand the needs of young people arriving from far into UK.

As much as we offer the same standard of service for indigenous young people however, we acknowledge that there is a unique need for UASC young person like; language barrier, culture barrier, understanding the laws in UK, accessing immigration services from a solicitor and home office. We have our ESOL classes within the placement hence all our UASC young people are tasked to learn English at a pace that is most convenient to them. We run a specialist program called life in the UK, this will ensure that the young people are able to integrate within the UK community quickly