Nini social care provide different kind of services which include: Home for care-leavers who are aged to (18 to 25 years), housing for families with no recourse to public funds, and social wok training etc . We engage parents in our intensive core parenting program and create an avenue for their commitment to proper parenting. We also conduct trainings for perpetrators of domestic violence, to enhance their rehabilitation and monitor the process of their rehabilitation. Nini Social Care strive for excellence in everything we do. We provide special services; parenting program for young people under the age of 21, connecting person assessment, validities assessment, SGO assessment, Domestic violence risk assessment.
With the commitment of our highly trained social workers and staff with their wealth of experience and knowledge, we have been able to effectively identify and meet the needs and requirements of social workers across the country, through rigorous, interactive, and engaging training programs.
We also provide a wide range of services for individuals, local government authorities, schools, and colleges, private and voluntary organizations. We also provide services to Local authorities, private individuals, and the court. We train social workers across they country.
Nini Social Care also engages in a number of Charitable Projects:
We run a fostering Service that identifies Nigerian children in the asylum and social care system in the UK and Europe. This project aims to ensure that all the cultural needs of these children will be met as well as support the Social Services in returning those children back to their family members when it is safe to do so. In such cases where it is not safe to return the children to their families within the European Countries, Nini social care Fostering Service is able to assess family members in Nigeria as well as identifying foster caring within Nigerian communities across the United Kingdom, Uk, and Europe.
We run domestic abuse services for victims and rehabilitation of perpetrators with a special focus on African families, the project is called Power To Choose. We support other NGOs in Africa like; Nchekwa-Oha Advocacy Foundation, Power To Choose Africa, and ACE professionals in social care in providing training and resources.