Igbo Cultural School
NINISOCIALCARE UK has set up an Igbo Cultural Centre for children from the age of 6 years to 15 years. The Igbo Cultural Centre aims to teach the children their mother tongue, traditional culture and how their traditional culture complements the British culture. It will also feature other activities like African cooking class, African Drum and class etc.
The centre was launched on the 14th September, 2013 in London Borough of Bexley, though currently moved to Northampton.
The children will be grouped by age for their lessons:
- Group 1 – 6 to 10 years – Primary School Children
- Group 2 – 11 to 15 years – Secondary School Children
All teachers and individuals that will work within the project are CRB checked. The teachers are able to teach both the written and spoken form of Igbo language as well as Igbo culture.
The fee for the lesson is to meet the administrative cost of running the project hence a flat rate of £4 is required for each child. Where it is assessed that a family is unable to meet the cost of the lessons due to low income i.e. on state benefit, family might be assisted to seek external funding from known funders to NINISOCIALCARE UK. This project continues to seek individuals from different Igbo states to teach their particular dialect and culture.
Contact Details:
Tel: 07448683157
Email: admin@ninisocialcare.org